MAKE THIS EID A MEMORABLE ONE FOR ORPHANS AND INDIGENT CHILDREN The spirit of Eid ul-Adha lies not only in celebrating with our loved ones but also in extending kindness and compassion to those who are less fortunate

The Benefits of Caring for the Orphans in Islam

Certainly, caring for orphans is one of the most sacred duties in Islam. The Qur’an emphasizes our responsibility to support parentless children, reminding us of their vulnerability and need for protection. Allahﷻ repeatedly warned against mistreating orphans, promising severe punishment for those who disobey. However, those who care for orphans will be rewarded by Allahﷻ in this life and the next.

Allahﷻ says “Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. And they will be burned in a Blaze (i.e., Hellfire)” – [4:10].

During Eid ul-Adha, there are several ways to help those in need, including orphans and indigents:

  1. Qurbani (Sacrifice):
    • Muslims traditionally share the Qurbani meat with family, friends, and the less fortunate. The meat is distributed to those in need, providing them with nutritious meals. 
  2. Eid Gifts for Orphans:
  3. Charitable Donations:

Remember that the spirit of Eid ul-Adha lies not only in celebrating with our loved ones but also in extending kindness and compassion to those who are less fortunate. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of others during this blessed occasion.

May your efforts bring joy and blessings to those in need!

Every child has the right to a carefree childhood full of fun, laughter, and love, though many orphans have little or none of this. No human being should live in constant worry and fear, especially not children. We don’t need to be parents to understand that children should feel cared for and valued

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